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What is Belle?

Belle is the fastest way to connect with new people in the real world. With one tap, Belle lets you catch lunch with that cutie around the block, book a cup of coffee with a potential business partner, or toast to new friendships over drinks. Share experiences with others on demand.

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Find interesting people to connect with locally

Expand your cultural horizons with the hipster who's toured every art gallery in the city, trade stock tips with the aficionado who knows Wall Street like the Yankees batting lineup, or find special time with that hunky barista in your neighborhood.

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Pick a cool spot to chill

Show off your inner Yelp by sharing your favorite go to spots in the city. Mesmerize others with your ability to find hidden gems - it’s okay to brag - just feel good about it :) We won’t penalize you if you decide to keep it real with Applebees (haters gonna hate).

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Enjoy stories of adventure better than a night with a sailor

Over a cup of fine arabica beans, muse with your new twin about your strange love for all things Full House. Or reminisce with your new Belle mate about how your neighborhood was just way cooler only 5 years ago.

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Hi :) Let's meet at 9 PM.

Verde Wine Bar and Ristorante